(+41) 027 327 30 60


Eagle Valais the aerial work specialists


Actions for a sustainable future

We work hard every day to limit our impact on the environment, a subject to which we remain sensitive and vigilant.

Our teams are currently working on our Environmental Charter, grouping together the Group’s actions for cleaner aviation.

Our aim is to minimize our ecological footprint by adopting sustainable practices and optimizing our operations to reduce CO2 emissions.

Key initiatives :

  • Development and implementation of our Environmental Charter.
  • Adoption of innovative technologies and fuels to reduce emissions.
  • Awareness-raising and ongoing training of our teams in environmental best practices.
empreinte écologique eagle valais

Essential services for populations

Today, part of our activities are dedicated to public services and rescue, mountain rescue and forest fire fighting and surveillance.
Our efforts also include the maintenance of overhead equipment and work on electrical networks.

Areas of expertise :

  • Medical Services: Transport and emergency interventions.
  • Mountain Rescue: Rescue operations in difficult terrain.
  • Fire fighting Surveillance and intervention to prevent forest fires.
  • Maintenance Equipment maintenance to ensure safety and efficiency.
Hélicoptère avec bambi bucket Suisse.

Sustainable aviation fuel: a step towards the future

What is sustainable aviation fuel?
Produced from sustainable sources such as biomass, agricultural waste, vegetable oils, algae or household waste, this fuel significantly reduces CO2 emissions compared with conventional fuels.

Benefits and ambitions :

  • Emissions reduction: Reducing the carbon impact of biofuels by more than 80% within a few years.
  • 2050 objectives: Achieve carbon neutrality.
  • Strategic partnerships: working with industry players to promote wider adoption of biofuels.

Vision and use :

  • Vision: To reduce our carbon footprint and promote cleaner aviation by integrating sustainable aviation fuel into our fleet.
  • Current use: Reduced our carbon footprint by 40% on certain missions.
  • Objective for the future: Increase the number of flights using sustainable aviation fuel.

Advantages :

  • Reducing greenhouse gas emissions.
  • Improving air quality around our bases and in flight zones.
  • Maintaining the quality of our services while flying more ecologically.
bio carburant SAF